Select featured posts by category. The featured image of each post will be placed in the carousel, and each image will link to the post. If a post has no featured image, the first image found attached to the post will be used instead, if there is no attached image a default image will be used.
Shortcode options for a Featured Posts gallery
- category - the post category that will be included in the carousel
- order (default is ASC) – values are ASC or DESC
- orderby (default is menu_order ID) – standard WordPress orderby values are accepted
- startimg - Gives the starting slide number to center in the gallery, the default is 1.
- rotate - Turns on/off auto-rotation for this instance (overrides the setting from the admin panel). Values are ‘on’ or ‘off’.
- samewindow - Set true or false, overrides the default value from the settings page.