Upload images using the WordPress image uploader on your post or page or into the media library. The title will be used as the image caption. The description will be displayed in the Lightbox below the title. If you want the image to link to a URL, enter the address in the WP Flow Plus...
Selecting Images
WP Flow Plus
There are a variety of ways to populate your carousel. Images attached to the current post Upload images to your post/page and use the shortcode [wp-flowplus]. The photo title will be displayed below each image. The image may link to either the large size image in a Lightbox or to a link that opens in a window....
Auto Rotation
WP Flow Plus
When auto rotation is enabled, the images will automatically rotate through the carousel. You may configure the pause time between rotations. Once the end of the gallery is reached it flows back to the beginning and starts again. The rotation will pause when the mouse hovers over the bounding div. Once an image is clicked...